Alani was born to Alan Ransom and Takija Gaddis on Nov. 19, 2019, in Oklahoma City with the help of an awesome medical team at Integris Hospital. That magical day started a lifetime filled with joy and so much beauty from Alani’s sweet, pure soul. Alani loves being with her family, taking walks in historic downtown Okmulgee with Mommy, dancing and trying new foods. Alani is so adventurous and independent. It’s true it takes a village to raise a child because Alani has so much love from her entire family who assist with all of her needs and wants. Alani will be celebrating her birthday at Disneyland, but pink balloons were released around Okmulgee on Nov. 20 in honor of Alanis’ magical sweet birth. “Life is always magical and anything is possible P” - Luv Mommy COURTESY PHOTO
November 24, 2021
Alani Ransom Turns 2