Before we look at what my friends had to say about hope, consider this newspaper ad: “Hope chest: Brand new, half price, long story.” Instead of a long story, try a long time, says Megan, age 7: “I think hope is when you wish for something to go a certain way, and sometimes you have to wait for a long time.” While Megan waits, Richard, 9, gets another at bat: “Hope is another chance to do something, like if your baseball game is tied, you still have hope to win.” And Austin, 5, sees hope slithering through the grass: “I hope I can get a pet snake.” The word “hope” in the Bible expresses confidence and assurance concerning the future because it’s based on God’s promises, character and faithfulness. As Will, 10, says, “Hope is to look forward to something with a feeling of expectation or confidence.
January 5, 2022
What is hope?