The Morris City Council approved several agenda items during their regular monthly session Monday. The board approved Resolution 22-03 authorizing application for financial assistance from the rural economic action plan fund.
The Morris City Council approved several agenda items during their regular monthly session Monday.
The board approved Resolution 22-03 authorizing application for financial assistance from the rural economic action plan fund. They also approved a contract with Mears Engineers, LLC.
During comments from citizens in attendance, Morris resident Greg Foreman spoke to the council about his concerns of his property on the corner of Ruth Lackey and 3rd Street.
Foreman stated his personal driveway is being used as a “street.” Traffic is coming from the east off of the Eagle Park property and using his private drive to access 3rd and/or Ruth Lackey.
The council heard the following reports from city departments:
• Police: There were 11 citations issued for the month of August, along with three assists to the Muscogee Nation.
• Fire Department: During August, Chief Tim Stewart reported one lift assist for the city department. For the rural department, there were four grass fires, two motor vehicle accidents, one First Response, and one lift assist.
The chief reported the pumper truck testing was successful with both trucks ‘passing.’ He did advise the council the oldest pumper truck is 20 years old and will need replacing in the near future.
• Morris Public Works Authority (MPWA): Mayor Jeremy Avery reported no major issues as the city now has three full time employees with another part time employee to be licensed soon. Matt Sharp will be taking his ‘C’ licensing test in the next two months.
The council also approved the minutes of the Aug. 8 meeting, along with the claims.
During the meeting of the MPWA, the board approved the minutes and claims for the month.
The meeting adjourned at 7:21 p.m. Morris City Council meets the second Monday of each month at the Community Center at 7 p.m.