1:32 a.m.-Suspicious Activity-6th/ West of Central. Possibly abandoned vehicle.
1:32 a.m.-Suspicious Activity-6th/ West of Central. Possibly abandoned vehicle.
4:08 a.m.-Suspicious Activity-1200 block of E.
4th. RP advised of someone outside her residence knocking on her window.
11:11 a.m.-Traffic Other-800 block of N. Taft. Trash truck damaged mail box.
11:52 a.m.-Suspicious Activity-Holleman’s. Man walking behind Holleman’s.
2:45 p.m.-Suspicious Person-400 block of E. 13th. A man RP doesn’t know knocked on her door and was very pushy with her.
3:56 p.m.-Disturbance-400 block of N. Grand. Shorter female yelling, cussing and threatening to assault people.
5:42 p.m.-Property-500 block of N. Grand. RP caught subject attempting to steal his motorcycle on camera. Subject was not able to steal it, but RP would like to file report.
8:35 p.m.-House Fire-Trent/ Seminole. Report of house fully engulfed in flames.
9:02 p.m.-Shots Fired-100 block of N. Sherman. RP heard two gunshots coming from the west side of Goodstop.
1:13 a.m.-Suspicious Activity-1700 block of Glennen Dr. RP saw four males dressed in all black attempting to break into vehicles.
2:00 a.m.-Suspicious Activity-1100 block of N. Oklahoma. RP heard cans rattling then a loud thud coming from the front of the house.
2:11 a.m.-Stalking-1300 block of E. Smith. RP requested officer. There is possibly a stalker in the alleyway. RP cannot see anyone but the dog is barking in that direction.
5:20 a.m.-Disturbance-400 block of E. 13th. RP advised man is banging on her door and shining a flashlight in house.
6:08 a.m.-Suspicious Activity-1700 block of Glennan. People in camo hiding in yard.
8:07 a.m.-Out of Unit-Hwy. 75 and Cemetery. Dead deer.
8:58 a.m.-Property-1300 block of W. 6th. Person refusing to return his gun.
11:15 a.m.-Fraud-Elks Lodge. Someone took $500 from the Elks bank account.
1:05 p.m.-Assault-300 block of S. Taft. Occurred in December.
4:32 p.m.-Burglary-200 block of W. 2nd. Property was broken into.
4:59 p.m.-Traffic Accident no Injury-Hwy. 75. Two-vehicle accident.
9:28 p.m.-Fatality-1500 block of E. 9th. Request EMS for a fatality.
11:16 p.m.-Trespassing-Loves. RP advised of a man in a wheelchair that has been trespassed.
11:38 p.m.-Runaway-1500 block of E. 8th. RP advised a patient from the BIOS residence has taken off going west on 8th.
11:48 p.m.-Suspicious Vehicle-Box Ave. Vehicle facing south, possibly in the ditch with something in front of the vehicle.
11:58 a.m.-Misc.-1100 block of N. Oklahoma.
Loud noise outside.
1:49 p.m.-Unwanted Person/ Vehicle-1900 block of Wood Drive. Unwanted subject.
1:55 p.m.-Animal Control-600 block of E. 14th. Two dogs attacked her cat and tried to attack her husband.
2:34 p.m.-Motorist Assist-13th/ Wood. Drive shaft fell out. Waiting on a wrecker.
6:10 p.m.-Domestic-1600 block of College Lane. Verbal domestic.
6:21 p.m.-Information-6th St. railroad crossing. Arms malfunction going up and down with no train.
7:21 p.m.-Traffic Accident no Injury-Boomarang. RP advised of a vehicle backing into her vehicle.
7:34 p.m.-Disturbance-900 block of E. Henry. RP states there are subjects refusing to leave.
7:52 p.m.-911 Misc.-Bel Air Motel. Received 911 call from this area. Could hear subject saying ‘you’re getting out of here’ but subject would not talk to 911 dispatcher.
8:21 p.m.-Disturbance-12th/ Taft. Lots of screaming and yelling coming from back of house. Second RP advised a female is banging on the door and trying to break it.
8:38 p.m.-Disturbance-Bel Air. Lots of screaming and yelling coming from rom. Female half requesting neighbors to call the police.
9:20 p.m.-Suspicious Activity-1000 block of N. Griffin. Subject went into residence RP believes is vacant. Advised subject in truck possibly took something from residence.
10:29 p.m.-Disturbance-700 block of W. Kiowa. Male subject walking up and down street yelling.
12:39 a.m.-Suspicious Vehicle-20th/ Wood. Black Ford Explorer pulled up about 45 minutes ago. No one has exited the vehicle. RP advised she has been receiving some threats.
5:35 a.m.-Misc.-700 block of E. 20th. Advised they saw someone run from the house and jump in a car.
8:21 a.m.-Traffic Other- RP advised he was hit by a vehicle this morning while walking to work.
10:18 a.m.-Traffic Other-Hwy. 75/ Airport Rd. White Ford Fusion all over the road and has hit a couple of signs.
10:28 a.m.-Traffic Other-Caseys on 6th. White truck all over the road. Wants someone to check on driver.
12:50 p.m.-Disturbance- 400 block of N. Grand. Advised someone was trying to kick in her door.
1:18 p.m.-Misc.-8th/ First National. Female wearing a camo jacket dragging a kid by the arm.
3:43 p.m.-Misc.-800 block of S. Osage. Truck on fire.
5:45 p.m.-Unwanted Person/ Vehicle-1000 block of W. 10th. Officer was flagged down in reference to an unwanted subject.
7:25 p.m.-Misc.-CNMC. RP upset that his father has taken him to the hospital for an evaluation. Advised he wants to speak to an officer. Also wants to speak to an officer in reference to threats RP states his father has made to him in the past.
7:42 p.m.-Reckless Driver-Murphy’s. RP states a black Dodge Charger and another vehicle appear to be racing while going northbound on 75. Advised red vehicle went on but Dodge is getting gas. Advised vehicle is revving its engine while at the station.
7:59 p.m.-Unwanted Person-1700 block of Glennen Dr. RP states she has a male subject refusing to leave. Advised subject is outside and trying to kick apartment door in.
8:00 p.m.-Traffic Accident no Injury-Wood/ Eufaula. Two vehicle accident.
9:54 p.m.-Disturbance- Baptist Village.
Gray Ford Edge sitting in the parking lot blaring music.
10:22 p.m.-Shots Fired-20th/ Madison Salvage. RP states while he was at the salvage yard, someone shot out the side window of his vehicle.
10:40 p.m.-Disturbance- CNMC. RP calling stating that subject who took him the hospital earlier is causing problems with him.
11:52 p.m.-Assist Police Agency-20th/ Wood. Deputy advised of a Chevy traveling at a high rate of speed. Trying to catch it.
11:10 p.m.-Misc.12th/ Rogers. RP states the house on the side of the road that was bulldozed now has someone digging through it.
11:53 p.m.-Suspicious Activity-1100 block of N. Oklahoma. RP states her dog was acting funny and heard something like cans being dropped outside and now she is smelling a weird smell inside the house.
3:26 a.m.-911 Misc.1700 block of Glennen Dr. RP calls back and states subjects are still there.
4:39 a.m.-Threats-200 block of N. Morton. RP states they have a subject who is threatening to shoot people on property. RP states he has not seen a gun but the threats have been made. RP states subject is upstairs with other clients at this time.
4:54 a.m.-911 Misc.1700 block of Glennen Dr. RP states subjects have returned.
6:06 a.m.-Abandoned Vehicle-Hwy. 56/ R&S. Blue vehicle parked in ditch with lights on.
6:43 a.m.-Motorist Assist- Wood/ Loves. Advised semi broke down. Advised air line broke.
9:11 a.m.-Misc.-300 block of S. Central Ave. Says she is tired of her neighbors and possibly her neighbors workers coming into her yard. Advised she doesn’t feel safe.
11:03 a.m.-Misc.-Requesting to speak to an officer in reference to child abuse.
11:33 a.m.-Fighting- 2700 block of N. Miami. CNLH requesting units in reference to two non-native subjects fighting.
12:47 p.m.-Larceny- Advised sons ear pods were stolen. Requesting to file report.
1:54 p.m.-Unwanted Person/ Vehicle-Cricket. Woman in her mid 20’s is rambling and won’t leave.
2:13 p.m.-Suspicious Person-Northbound Wood Dr./ 8th. Woman walking with two kids.
2:28 p.m.-Reckless Driver-Hwy. 75/ Airport Rd. Blue Nissan Titan driving like a maniac at a high rate of speed.
3:55 p.m.-Juvenile- KFC. RP advised of a young male running in and out of traffic.
5:16 p.m.-Traffic Accident with Injury-Miami/ Eufaula. Two vehicle accident with roll over. One subject still inside vehicle. Second RP advised a dog is also trapped inside the rolled over vehicle.
7:25 p.m.-Misc.-900 block of N. Griffin. RP states his neighbor came and asked him to call the police and have them stop by her residence.
9:14 p.m.-Burglary- 800 block of S. Ohio. RP states she went out to feed her dog and the dog is missing, the fence is cut and her outside building is also missing.
9:53 p.m.-Misc.-8th/ Wood. EMS out with subject with injury to left hand.
11:40 p.m.-Assault- 800 block of N. Central. 65-year-old female assault victim needing to file a report.
11:54 p.m.-Fraud-100 block of N. Taft. Requesting phone call in reference to someone attempting to use her credit card in Hollister.
3:59 a.m.-Suspicious Vehicle-McDonalds. RP states a vehicle followed one of their customers from Preston. When customer got to McDonald’s, the subject told them they were going to continue to follow them.
10:32 a.m.-Abandoned Vehicle-2500 block of E. 2nd. Out of unit checking on vehicle with open trunk.
11:28 a.m.-Juvenile- 12th/ Mission. Young children in roadway.
11:31 a.m.-Assist Police Agency-Trent/ Griffin. Need PD to transport.
11:49 a.m.-Misc.-3rd/ Bryan. Gas worker can hear man and woman yelling.
12:27 p.m.Drugs-2000 block of E. 2nd. RP advised grandson just admitted to using meth and where it came from.
1:11 p.m.-Property- 400 block of E. 12th. RP advised she spent the night at friends. They got into an argument and she left. She went back today to get her wallet and money was missing and her friend that took her thought they may have a firearm.
3:22 p.m.-Larceny- Highland Park. Resident missing $400.
5:49 p.m.-Welfare Check-1400 block of E. Smith. RP advised someone made threats towards him.
8:44 p.m.-Animal Bite-12th/ Rogers. RP advised her husband was bit by the neighbors dog.
8:50 p.m.-Suspicious Activity-800 block of S. Rogers. RP advised of a SUV dropping off two people with flashlights at a vacant residence.
10:48 p.m.-Misc.Creek Nation Elderly Living. RP requesting an officer. Advised, they know why.
12:05 a.m.-Suspicious Activity-Creek Dr. RP advised of four to five people shining flashlights into vehicles.
12:11 a.m.-Shots Fired-1700 block of E. 11th. Heard about two gunshots about two to three minutes ago.
12:32 a.m.-Larceny- 500 block of E. 23rd. RP advised someone has broken into his storage locker.
1:06 a.m.-Shots Fired-1700 block of E. 11th. RP advised of hearing dozens of gunshots from the north and west of her residence.
12:30 p.m.Threats-900 block of E. 3rd. Property owner and tenant dispute over building on the property.
1:41 p.m.-Disturbance- Taft/ Skelton. Subject walking west on Skelton.
3:37 p.m.-Misc.-1400 block of E. 10th. RP advised his wife stole their car and is drinking and driving.
3:45 p.m.-House Fire-300 block of S. Taft. House Fire.
4:50 p.m.Threats-1000 block of S. Osage. RP advised he believes people are after him. Advised subjects were making threats through text messages.
5:21 p.m.-Fraud-Days Inn. Advised the subject in room 218 will not pay nor leave his room.
5:41 p.m.-Disturbance- BelAir Motel. Advised subject keeps knocking in his door. Advised subject is drunk.
6:42 p.m.-Welfare Check-Creek Forrest Apt. Requesting welfare check on five-year-old who was dropped off to their mother. Advised mother seemed ‘out of it.’
10:45 p.m.-Disturbance- Creek Forrest Apt. Advised her boyfriend will not let her into their apt.
11:03 p.m.-Pedestrian Check-20th/ Wood. Advised male is laying in the grassy area.
7:38 a.m.-Animal Control-1400 block of E. 3rd. Report of a pack of vicious dogs.
8:28 a.m.-Unwanted Person/Vehicle-Masonic Lodge. Black SUV is occupied by 12 people and is parked on north side of lot. Advised SUV is in an area they should not be in.
8:41 a.m.-Animal Bite-3rd/Englis. Black stray dog is chasing cars.
9:17 a.m.-Auto Theft-Dollar General. Gray Buick Encore. Taken from owners job.
1:46 p.m.-Larceny- Johnny Appleseed. Customer had wallet stolen by other customer.
2:51 p.m.-Juvenile- Melrose/ Oklahoma. Juvenile male in and out of roadway.
3:04 p.m.-Disturbance- Okmulgee Terrace. Resident is damaging property and being combative.
3:16 p.m.-Unwanted Person/ Vehicle-700 block of E. 13th. Unwanted children in his yard.
4:29 p.m.-Larceny- Walmart. Subject attempted to shoplift and is refusing to cooperate.
5:19 p.m.-Misc.-OSUIT. RP requesting to speak to an officer in reference to a subject attempting to hit the RP with his car.
5:47 p.m.-Stolen Property- Okmulgee/ Lagonda. CNLH requesting OPD in reference to a possibly stolen vehicle.
6:24 p.m.-Suspicious Activity-1st/ Sherman. RP requesting an officer. Advised subject who lives in the residence took off down the road chasing each other. RP advised he is concerned due to their being small children inside the residence.
9:54 p.m.-Suspicious Activity-Walmart Lawn and Garden. RP advised he found a backpack possibly containing paraphernalia.
11:43 p.m.-Domestic- 1300 block of W. 5th. Advised of a possible physical domestic.