CF-2023-00036 03/14/2023 State of Oklahoma vs. Cooper, Jonathan David Conspiracy to Bring Contraband into Penal Institution CF-2023-00037 03/16/2023 State of Oklahoma vs. Tecumseh, Wilson John DUI Alcohol-Aggravated Possession of Firearm After Former Conviction Knowingly Concealing Stolen Property Driving While License Is Canceled/Suspended/Revoked CF-2023-00038 03/16/2023 State of Oklahoma vs. Thomas, John Patrick DUI Alcohol-Aggravated Driving While License Is Canceled/Suspended/Revoked Unsafe Lane Change CF-2023-00039 03/16/2023 State of Oklahoma vs. Schanks, Donald Lee Jr. Burglary, 1st Degree Kidnapping Plan, Attempt, Conspire to Perform Act of Violence Possession of Firearm After Former Conviction Obstructing an Officer CF-2023-00040 03/17/2023 State of Oklahoma vs. Celestine, Marco Jerome Sr. Failure to Register as Convicted Sex Offender CF-2023-00041 03/17/2023 State of Oklahoma vs. Poole, Shakeita Diann Marie Larceny of Merchandise from a Retailer CF-2023-00042 03/17/2023 State of Oklahoma vs. Teague, Kayla Renee Burglary, 1st Degree ---
Public Records
March 24, 2023