Dove announces plans to retire at end of academic year
At a special meeting Monday, the Okmulgee Public School Board of Education accepted the resignation of Superintendent Renee Dove, who has worn many hats while serving Okmulgee Public Schools since she started her teaching career over 40 years ago.
Also during the meeting, the board reports from the superintendent, the annual report on dropout and remediation rates, and later, administrators from each campus briefly reviewed the recent state report card results.
— Also Approved
• The minutes from the meetings on Oct. 23 and Nov. 16., as well as all items on the action agenda, which included three fundraising activities for Dunbar Cheer.
• The estimate of needs as approved by the County Excise Board as the final buddy of FY24.
• A participation agreement among OSDE, PCG, and Okmulgee Public Schools for a school-based health service program.
• An agreement between the Cooperative Council for Oklahoma School Administration and OPS concerning the district’s participation in CCOSA’s district level services program for FY23.
• Annual renewal of the OPS Gifted, Talented, and Creative Education Plan for FY24.
• A number of items, including old lockers, broken desks, computers, and peripheral devices for computers were declared junk.
• Kaitlynn Tramble hired as a Library Media Assistant at Dunbar Intermediate.
• Debra Gardenhire hired to perform training on personnel and financial services on an as-needed basis during November and December of this year.