Craft Materials Needed Giant bucket or tub Cardboard large enough to fit top of tub Paint choice of color for painting bucket Brown, white and red acrylic paints Paint brush Pool noodle Newspaper Foam dice or other square or round object you can use as marshmallows if desired Hot glue and glue gun Instructions Remove any stickers or handles from bucket. Cut cardboard to fit inside bucket about 1-2 inches from the top. Cut pool noodle into desired length for cup handle. Glue handle to cup using hot glue. Form newspaper into whipped topping if desired. (You can leave out this step if you don’t want whipped topping. Paint bucket and pool noodle handle desired cup color, I went with blue. Make sure to paint some of the inside too. Paint cardboard brown so it looks like cocoa. Paint remainder of pool noodle white for a straw. Paint foam dice and newspaper white. Allow everything to dry well. Work in stages if needed to allow for drying on different sides. Apply second coat of paint to anything that needs it. I painted everything with two coats except the pool noodles. If desired add decorations to cup, such as snowflakes or stripes. Glue whipped cream to cocoa cardboard. Glue cardboard inside cup. Allow to set. Glue straw to just the edge of the whipped cream
December 22, 2023
Giant Cocoa Cup
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