August 30, 2024
CF-2024-00124 08/22/2024 State of Oklahoma vs. Frazier, Perry Joe, Jr. Poss. of a Firearm After Conviction of a Felony CF-2024-00125 08/22/2024 State of Oklahoma vs. Lane, Ronald Dean Lewd Molestation CF-2024-00126 08/22/2024 State of Oklahoma vs. Tate, Ty Stephon-Rashaan Burglary, Second Degree CF-2024-00127A 08/26/2024 State of Oklahoma vs. Ward, Hailey Lynn Unlawful Poss. of CDS w/Intent to Distribute CF-2024-00127B 08/26/2024 State of Oklahoma vs. Mote, Jeffrie Dillynn Unlawful Poss. of CDS w/Intent to Distribute ---