The Okmulgee Police Department (OPD), in collaboration with other agencies, had a challenging weekend with multiple violent incidents. OPD Chief Danny Owen provided a brief synopsis of the events that unfolded, emphasizing the department’s ongoing investigations.
— Attempted Robbery at Okmulgee Discount Pharmacy On Friday, Dec. 13, at approximately 6:05 p.m., an armed suspect attempted to rob Okmulgee Discount Pharmacy. The individual fled the scene on foot, and the investigation remains active. This inci- dent prompted a temporary lockdown at Creek Nation Medical Center as officers searched for the suspect. Officials confirmed there was no active shooter at the hospital, and earlier rumors of a robbery at Walgreens were unfounded.
— Shooting at E. Trent
On Sunday, Dec. 15, at approximately 10:53 a.m., OPD and the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) responded to a shooting at 109 E.Trent. One gunshot victim was transported to St. Francis Hospital in Tulsa for treatment.
— Stabbing at N. Collins
Later that evening, at approximately 9:21 p.m., OPD and Muscogee Nation Police investigated a stabbing at 710 N. Collins.
— Shooting Near 20th & Miami In the early hours of Monday, Dec. 16, at approximately 3:41 a.m., officers responded to another shooting in the vicinity of 20th and Miami. A gunshot victim from this incident was also transported to a Tulsa medical facility.
At the time of writing, Chief Owen confirmed that the gunshot victims from these incidents were receiving medical care.
-The OPD and partner agencies are continuing their investigations and anyone with information about these incidents are encouraged to come forward. As always, citizens are encouraged to stay vigilant and report suspicious activity to local law enforcement.