Guest speaker Tuesday at the weekly meeting of Lions was Jim Hall of Oklahoma Farm Bureau. Jim has been with Farm Bureau for 23 or so years. He began by giving the Lions kudos for the service we have done in the community, he had noticed the back of our vest that reads “We Serve!”
Jim grew up in the Nuyaka area, attending Beggs schools and going on to OSU Stillwater and in 1997 finished up and would stay in his boyhood area and become the Farm Bureau agent!
He gave a little history of Farm Bureau like a group of farmers 80 some years ago who got together and established what is today Oklahoma Farm Bureau Insurance.
It’s a full coverage agency that covers homes, auto, property etc….Farm Bureau covers only Oklahoma. Every city in Oklahoma has one office and larger metro areas will have several offices. He bragged on his staff and what a great job they do, stating the Okmulgee office of OK Farm Bureau consistently is ranked in top three offices in the state.
Jim was very open about the rise in cost, that over the last three years the average across the nation in insurance has been 38 percent. Factors for this rise is of course bad weather, i.e. hail and wind, plus tornados etc. also the economy which recently includes inflation has been a major factor in price increases. The corporation commission has to be petitioned for an increase in rates!
We thank Jim for his time and information. Oklahoma Farm Bureau Insurance Company an Okmulgee business to serve our community.
“We Serve.”