5:19 p.m. – Disturbance – 19000 Block Happy Camp Road – RP request deputy in regards to 20 year old son being manic/suicidal and also worried for other children in the home. Advised there are no weapons. 10:39 p.m. – Phone Call -18960 U.S. 266 – RP left the car at Wildcat Junction and upon return the car was gone.
9:16 p.m. – Welfare Check – Eastside of ALT 75 ¼ mile north of Garfield – Man laying in ditch, requesting EMS to pass by and make sure no one is in need of medical attention.
8:37 p.m. – Shots Heard – 20000 Block Wilson Rd. – Gunshots in the area
4:45 p.m. – Welfare Check – 100 Block E 7th – RP advised Friday was the last time contact was had with mother and phone calls have not been answered. RP advised mother not herself and sounds violent and has never stopped contact with grandmother. RP requested welfare check.
2:08 p.m. – Psychiatric Problem/Abnormal Behavior/ Suicide Attempt – 1300 Block R D Miller Rd. – Suicidal Female took a fork and cut her wrist.
1:40 p.m. – Welfare Check – 12000 Block Oak Drive – RP advised ex has not been answering calls or texts and RP is worried about 3 year old son.
12:01 p.m. – Welfare Check – 13000 Block Old Hwy 75 – Multiple neighbors in the area are concerned for neighbor’s welfare. They have attempted contact multiple times and have been unable to locate or make contact. Last attempt was yesterday.
8:35 p.m. – House Fire – 13000 Block N 150 Rd. – Fully engulfed structure fire
6:45 p.m. – Psychiatric Problem/ Abnormal Behavior/ Suicide Attempt – Burger King – Advised someone is hurting themselves in front of Burger King.
11:05 a.m. – Civil – 13000 Block Edwards Rd. – RP and sibling own property. Ex daughter in law is trying to come pick up items from the property and RP does not want her taking anything.
1:51 p.m. – Welfare Check – N 220/ Hectorville Rd. – Man in a green tractor on the southside of the road with hand on his chest and head down. RP did not stop but would like someone to check on him.
7:08 p.m. – Unknown Problem/ Person Down – Hwy 75/ N of Shulter – RP advised of a green truck on the east side of the roadway with unknown subject possibly slumped over with hazard lights on.
9:56 p.m. – Pedestrian check/Medical/Person Down – Preston Post Office – RP advised someone is lying in the road slightly off to the side. RP advised screaming hello multiple times with no movement or response. Subject laying in the grass on the northside of the building. Dark hair, blue shirt, gray sweatpants. Unknown if male or female.
Disturbance – 1400 Block N Kern – RP Stated someone was banging on the 5th wheel RP is residing in. Someone has also attempted to enter through the side partition of the 5th wheel.
1:46 a.m. – Threats – 700 Block S Hughes – Threats made to RP and mother with a gun
11:26 a.m. – Well Person Check – I-40 Overpass Exit 240A – Adult male lying near a bicycle under the overpass near the road
10:38 a.m. – Fraud – 18000 Block Forbes St. – RP bought a horse via phone. Money was wired through the bank. The horse was not delivered and money has not been returned.
9:57 a.m. – Fraud – Stolen food stamp card – male subject was given the card to pick up grocery order while RP was convalescing at home. Subject is now refusing to give back card and offering to give RP $50 for the over $200 value on the card
8:20 p.m. – Threats – 31000 Block S 250 Rd. – Threats – Daughters ex-boyfriend threatening to burn down RP home. Sent text stating “something big is going to go down tonight/some dangerous s*** I am so serious/ She will not get away with what she did.”
7:56 p.m. – Reckless Driver – OK-161/OK-75 Southbound Lane – RP advised 2012 Dodge Charger White clipped another vehicle traveling southbound at high rates of speed making shooting gestures at people.
4:55 a.m. – Overdose/Poisoning/Ingestion – 8th/Wood Dr/Good Stop – Adult female laying on the ground at gas pumps.
12:10 a.m. – Other Agency Assist – Turning Leaf/Ridgecreek/Taylor Dr Apts – Multiple shots fired, three RP advised of multiple gunshots.
4:19 p.m. – Gun – 1600 Block E 3rd St. – RP advised someone has broken in apartment and stole their gun and would like to report.
7:25 p.m. – Shooting/Shot Fired – 3800 Block Garfield Rd. /4900 Block Ferguson Rd. – Older faded gray or green chevy/dodge econo style van with windows, split doors on back and ladder on right side of split doors–sounded like 3-4 shots fired. RP felt percussion from it (RP inside Tractor Supply at the time.) Vehicle left area at a high rate of speed and RP followed to get tag number. Last seen northbound on N 150, east on Creager then back north on 160.
1:41 a.m. – Psychiatric Problem/Abnormal Behavior/Suicide Attempt – 15000 Block McKinley – Male subject suicidal ideologies and has a plan.
4:12 a.m. – Drugs – Male caller needing to report overdose in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, was finally able to locate a phone number that did not go through an automated service and connected directly to Winnipeg fire/medic.
4:02 p.m. – Welfare Check – 10000 Block E 271st St.. – RP advised they can’t get ahold of their ex-husband and thinks something may be wrong. Needs him to know his granddaughter is very ill and she needs to speak to him
10:04 p.m. – Welfare Check – 21000 Block Gun Club Rd. – Friend in the middle of nowhere, no response to anyone.