Cradling the lifeless form of their newborn daughter, the couple could hardly contain their sorrow. Nothing fully prepares expectant parents for the trauma of losing the precious infant whose arrival had been joyously anticipated through the long months prior.
They were young in the Christian faith, and their shattered hearts needed all the mending “the God of all comfort” might bring.
Comfort them he did.
Gathering around the husband and wife and their young son, a handful of believing friends, American and international, remained in respectful but easy reach. Accompanying a tender stream of intercessory prayers, the small band of the faith community made accessible to them the shared presence of the Lord of Life. Verbal expressions were rarely voiced. They were seldom needed. For such times, Presence alone speaks volumes.
To the amazement of many – believers and non-believers alike who were present for the the child’s memorial service – the young father offered up expressions of sincere gratitude to God the Father. Though weary with grief, this young dad of Southeast Asian descent had drank from the waters of salvation issuing from Christ and his resurrection.
From their dark valley the little family moved forward day by day, drawing often upon the Lord’s peace, his immutable Word, their company of friends.
©2024 Jerry Lout
Writer-Speaker Jerry Lout grew up in Okmulgee County. Jerry’s “Living with a Limp” and “Giants in the Rough”, are available through Amazon. Current projects include “Inside-Out” and “Thresholds” – a string of narratives highlighting surprises, sorrows, and adventures in the post-Africa years. He welcomes reader comments (918) 857-4373